The mountains melt ice world in a very fast pace and some of them can be lost in coming decades, according to disclosed Programme United Nations Environment (UNEP),
The scientists who examined some 30 layers of ice conditions around the world found that ice melt reaches its peak in 2006.
Therefore, UNEP warned that further ice loss could have serious repercussions, especially in India, where rivers originating in the Himalayas ice.
West coast of North America that get some water from glaciers in mountain ranges like the Rocky and Sierra Nevada will also be affected.
UNEP executive director Achim Steiner urged governments to agree on measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in an international meeting next year in the Danish capital, Copenhagen.
Average ice cover is reduced 1.5-meter world in 2006. Ever recorded in a melt layer of ice Breidalblikkbrea, Norway, which yield 3 meters in 2006, while Echaurren Norte glacier in Chile is the only one who grew thicker.
"What we get is likely a trend that is not known when to stop," said Wilfried Haeberli, director of the World Glacier Monitoring Service.
It says Haeberli, ice melted about 0.3 meters per year between 1980 and 1999. But since 2000, the melt was increased by about 50cm.
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