Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Floating Iceberg Hijrah to New Zealand

Hundreds of floating icebergs from the Antarctic are now moving to New Zealand. This rare event forced the local government issued a warning to the crew of a passing ship in the area.

Australian Antarctic Division Glaciology Agency said the point of ice visible from satellite photographs have been passing the island of Auckland and is now heading towards the South Island, which is about 450 kilometers northeast.

Neal Young Scientists reveal, more than 100 of the iceberg, - the estimated size of about 200 meters of it - can be seen only in one cluster. This marks at the site there are hundreds of icebergs.

He said that the floating object is the remnant of the iceberg that broke away from Antarctica due to global warming.

"What is there now, come from a larger iceberg, which may berukuransekitar 30 kilometers square when he left the Antarctic," he explained.

New Zealand coastal navigation warnings are often issued for southern waters where chunks of ice in sight. "This is really a warning to shipping in the area that many dilabuhi chunk of the iceberg," said Maritime New Zealand spokesman Ross Henderson.

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