Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Antarctic continent warms Ascertained

Antarctic continent at the South Pole grew warmer during the last half century as well as other parts of the world. A new study published in the journal Nature, the latest edition of the break which had expressed the opinion that the area even colder.

Studies conducted by U.S. scientists that carried out by combining weather records and satellite at the South Pole region that contains 90 percent of the world's ice. The results showed that freezing temperatures had risen by 0.5 degrees Celsius (0.8 Fahrenheit) since the 1950s.

The scientists concluded that the eastern region of the South Pole, which is larger and colder than the western part, grew warm 0.1 degrees Celsius per decade. While temperatures in the western part rose 0.17 degrees Celsius per decade, faster than the global average rise.

"What you hear all the time was Antarctica would be cool but not what happened," said study leader Eric Steig of the University of Washington. Previous studies did show that the temperature in most of the continent at the bottom of the earth remains the same or slightly cooler.

Over the years, the South Pole is the only place that looks odd as if immune from climate perubahah. Increased cold temperatures in some parts of Antarctica into a weapon for some researchers to give the argument that climate change is exaggerated.

However, recent research results mamatahkan assumption is much less done thoroughly in all parts of Antarctica. The scientists who still believe global warming affected Antarctica predicted cooling is only influenced locally by the cold wind blowing into the polar region.

Campaign "Global Warming", Prince Albert Explore Antarctica

Monaco's Prince Albert II left, start an expedition to Antarctica at the South Pole to arouse public awareness of global warming (global warming). The trip will complement the experience of first visiting the North Pole in 2006.

He will spend the time until January 22 and visit the 26th international base camp on the frozen continent. Place the first visit the destination is King George Island which is a research station with a number of countries. From there, the ship will stop at Patriot Hill base camp that became the U.S. researchers and Amundsmen-Scott who is a research center of France and Italy.

Furthermore, the mission of Vostok Station and proceed to the center of attention Novolazarevskaya Russia. From there, go to the Australian Davis Station, Princess Elisabeth Station is a base station researchers Belgium and Norwegian researchers.

"This is one of the most sensitive regions in the world. Everything that happens in Antarctica as Arctic daearah berpenagruh to all on this planet," he said. According to him, the mission of the expedition at once affirm support to Treaty Antaryiksa Monaco aimed at preventing commercial exploitation and military for narrow interests of each country.

Prince Albert II as the boys Puteri Rainier is known as a figure who care about the environment. Husband beautiful Hollywood actress Grace Kelly has been active in environmental activities alma even environmental foundation established in 2006.

One of them became one of the highest bidder for naming new species of fish found in Raja Ampat, West Papua through the Blue Ocean Auction two years ago. The funds provided are used to fund environmental conservation on the land and waters near the Bird's Head area of ​​Papua it.

Find Traces of Dirt Penguin

The scientists succeeded in finding 38 colonies of king penguins in Antarctica using satellite looking animal droppings.

Very hard to find a penguin if use the default image satellite because this animal is too small. However, penguins gather to eight months in the frozen sea, and those that accumulate dirt looks like a reddish brown marks on the frozen sea, so easily found.

The study colony is published by the magazine Global Ecology and Biogeography. "We're mapping one of our camp on the frozen sea, and we know there pengyin colony nearby," said Peter Fretwell, an expert on the geography of the British Antarctic Survey told the BBC.

"I use satellite images as a background map and see there are reddish brown spots on one possible location of the lake yan g king penguin colony." "This discovery happened because a few months before we make a mosaic of satellite images of Antarctica, so we can look back and find all existing colonies."

By comparing the satellite images that have a dot it with the location of the colony that was already known, the team successfully found 10 colonies of penguins that were previously unknown, and six colonies were already known but recently moved some distance away.

Six colonies of penguins that have been known before now completely disappeared. "We know that king penguins are very dependent on the frozen sea to breed - such as polar bears depend on sea ice to hunt. Although the frozen sea is quite stable, we are aware that in recent decades the frozen sea view will be reduced. We need know the location and number before we can conclude how much they are threatened by climate change, "said Fretwell.

Save Our Small Island, Keep Sea Level Rise

Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DKP) through the Marine and Fisheries Research Agency (BRKP) continue to disseminate the results of the World Ocean Conference (WOC) 2009 and Manado Ocean Declaration (MOD), among others in Palembang, South Sumatra.

Head of Regional Research Center for Marine and non-biological Resources Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Dr Budi Sulistyo said it continues to strengthen the mitigation system to avoid loss of small islands and the impact on climate change in the form of rising sea levels.

Strengthen mitigation system to maintain marine ecosystems, becoming one of the efforts to maintain the existence of small islands and reduce the impact of global climate change that.

"Losing a number of small islands that occurred recently is the phenomenon of climate change impacts are increasingly perceived the world community, among others, due to melting icebergs at the poles," he said.

Keeping in coastal marine ecosystems is an effort to mitigate the loss of small islands and rising sea levels.

"Indonesia is very vulnerable to climate change impacts, such as the degradation of coastal and island," he said.

Exploitation of natural resources in coastal sea by irresponsible parties, has created pollution and fatal damage.

"As a result, marine disaster strikes, whether it be flood or rob the impact further impoverishing the people who live in the coastal ocean," he said.

The government should issue a variety of coastal management policies and small islands based mitigation, so as to anticipate the impact of climate change.

"Improving the environment by reforestation, preserving the mangrove forests and coral reefs, it is important to anticipate the impact of climate change," said Budi.

By implementing various strategies and programs to protect marine ecosystems are expected to anticipate the disaster that could happen.

"Efforts to rehabilitate and restore the carrying capacity of damaged marine resources with the active role of government and society is expected," he said.

World Ice Melt Faster

The mountains melt ice world in a very fast pace and some of them can be lost in coming decades, according to disclosed Programme United Nations  Environment  (UNEP),

The scientists who examined some 30 layers of ice conditions around the world found that ice melt reaches its peak in 2006.

Therefore, UNEP warned that further ice loss could have serious repercussions, especially in India, where rivers originating in the Himalayas ice.

West coast of North America that get some water from glaciers in mountain ranges like the Rocky and Sierra Nevada will also be affected.

UNEP executive director Achim Steiner urged governments to agree on measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in an international meeting next year in the Danish capital, Copenhagen.

Average ice cover is reduced 1.5-meter world in 2006. Ever recorded in a melt layer of ice Breidalblikkbrea, Norway, which yield 3 meters in 2006, while Echaurren Norte glacier in Chile is the only one who grew thicker.

"What we get is likely a trend that is not known when to stop," said Wilfried Haeberli, director of the World Glacier Monitoring Service.

It says Haeberli, ice melted about 0.3 meters per year between 1980 and 1999. But since 2000, the melt was increased by about 50cm.

Floating Iceberg Hijrah to New Zealand

Hundreds of floating icebergs from the Antarctic are now moving to New Zealand. This rare event forced the local government issued a warning to the crew of a passing ship in the area.

Australian Antarctic Division Glaciology Agency said the point of ice visible from satellite photographs have been passing the island of Auckland and is now heading towards the South Island, which is about 450 kilometers northeast.

Neal Young Scientists reveal, more than 100 of the iceberg, - the estimated size of about 200 meters of it - can be seen only in one cluster. This marks at the site there are hundreds of icebergs.

He said that the floating object is the remnant of the iceberg that broke away from Antarctica due to global warming.

"What is there now, come from a larger iceberg, which may berukuransekitar 30 kilometers square when he left the Antarctic," he explained.

New Zealand coastal navigation warnings are often issued for southern waters where chunks of ice in sight. "This is really a warning to shipping in the area that many dilabuhi chunk of the iceberg," said Maritime New Zealand spokesman Ross Henderson.

Ice Threatens Sailing

The results showed a satellite photograph, a large chunk of ice had just passed the area of ​​the island toward the main island of Auckland and South Island, about 450 kilometers northeast. "The warning applies to all ships in the region to be aware of the existence of the iceberg," said New Zealand's marine spokesman, Ross Henderson, AFP reported

The presence of large ice blocks in the group that submitted the glacier expert from the Australian Antarctic Division. They continue to monitor the movement of the ice chunks.

According to them, ice blocks are part of a giant blocks seen in last October around Macquarie Island, Australia. At that time, two large blocks of the first two kilometers wide and the second at the Olympic Stadium "Bird Nest" Beijing-tracked there.

Meanwhile, observed heading to New Zealand last Monday was fragmented in various sizes. Some of them have a width of 200 meters.

"All come from one big chunk, which may be the extent of 30 square kilometers in the Antarctic," said one expert glaciers, Neal Young. Increasing global temperatures and sea level due to global warming has been blamed as the cause.

After three years

According to Neal Young, chunks of ice in large numbers last seen floating near New Zealand in 2006. At that time, only 25 kilometers away from the coastline-the first event after 1931.

For the purpose of publication, in 2006, a helicopter transported sheep shorn on iceberg that is floating. New Zealand is known as a center for the wool industry.

"What it looks today has the same movement path towards New Zealand. Did towards South Island, it is difficult to say, "he said.

However, he believes will more often see the same thing if global temperatures continue to rise. Some experts are not sure of this.

The reduced extent of Antarctic ice in Antarctica has been identified in recent years. However, reduced ice cover in the east Antarctic region in large numbers, during the last three years, considered the experts as a "surprise".

Unlike ice sheet in western Antarctica, which is known vulnerable and unstable, a layer of ice in eastern Antarctica was known to be stable. However, some experts do not believe the phenomenon is closely related to climate change.

Prediction loss

In the midst of pros and cons the polar ice melt as a result of global warming, WWF launched a study in Switzerland, last Monday. Major flooding expected to hit the major port cities in the world and causing damage to 28 trillion U.S. dollars in 2050.

Sea-level rise will reach half a meter if global temperatures rise 0.5 to 2 degrees Celsius during the current period until 2050. At the time that the loss of trillions of dollars generated from 136 large port city in the world.

Cruise Ship aground near Antarctica

Argentine officials say a cruise ship with 106 people on board  ran aground  near an Argentine research base in Antarctica, but the passengers and crew are not in danger.

Ocean Nova-flagged ship that ran aground Tuesday Bahamas near the base of San Martin.

Officials said there was no sign of damage to the ship or loss of fuel. Ship operators, Quark Expeditions, says a Spanish ship sent to the site and will be able to help if needed.

The company official also said the effort will be made ​​to pull the ship at high tide is high.

Layers West South Pole Unstable

Warming the Earth's southern hemisphere is currently estimated to affect the ice at the South Pole or Antarctica. Team of researchers at Oxford University and Cambridge University, England, recently revealed the results of studies that claim the west Antarctic ice sheet began to unstable. The team developed a model to explore the changes in ice cover from the basic to the floating layer.

"The volume of ice contained in a layer of western Antarctica is equivalent to 3.3 meters of sea level rise," said Dr. Richard Katz of the Department of Earth Sciences University of Oxford. The model developed showed instability at the base line caused by gradual climate change. This can lead to disunity ice.

"Global climate models are often used assumption that when the world warms, the ice sheet will melt with stable, then cause a gradual sea level rise," said Katz.

But, he said, the structure of ice is much more complex. "We need to do more work to build better models of ice sheet behavior. Then to predict the behavior of ice in the future as the impacts of climate change," said Katz.

There are Shrimp Live in Antarctic Ice Depth of 180 Meters

These findings challenge the common assumption about survival of complex organisms, ie organisms that are more than just a form of bacteria or single cell only.
If any shrimp could play under a layer of ice 180 meters, how the moons of Jupiter, Europa, an ice-covered?

The scientists found the fauna of the family of crustaceans and jellyfish also survive under a thick layer of ice in Antarctica, which was presumed there would be no animal that can survive in a place like that.

Under the thick layer of ice 600 feet, or approximately 180 meters, and without sunlight, scientists had assumed that only microbes that can survive.

What a surprise team of NASA when they lower the camera to explore the waters under the Antarctic ice sheet. An animal such as shrimp swim over and landed on the camera cable. The scientists also discovered traces of tentacles are thought to have come from a type of jellyfish.

"At first we assumed there was no (animal) anything down there," said NASA scientist Robert Bindschadler, who presented the findings following the videotape, on Wednesday (17/03/2010) at the American Geophysical Union meeting.

The animal is 3 inches in length and was highlighted during the two minutes. "Just like we used to eat shrimp," Bindschadler joke. Precisely this animal is Lyssianasid Amphipod, not shrimp, but nothing to do with family crustaceans.

Why is this important discovery of a shrimp? Because of this challenge our thinking about the minimum requirement for the organism to survive. If any shrimp could play under a layer of ice 180 meters, how the moons of Jupiter, Europa, an ice-covered?

Microbiologists Cynan Ellis-Evans of the UK Antarctic survey agencies also dumbfounded by this discovery. "This discovery (animal), first on the environment under a layer of ice which is a complex organism."

He also explained that previously had found similar things in the area of ​​the ice sheet began to melt, but there has never been the discovery that just below the ice. But he also stated that the animal might have swum so far and get lost in there, so the area is not their permanent habitat.

But Kim, one of the scientists involved in the discovery were dubious allegations of 'lost animal' it. The location of the discovery that more than 19 km away from the open ocean.

Bindschadler and his team just drill a hole diameter of approximately 20 cm and only observe a very small waters. That is, it is probable that there are two organisms that swim that far and then trapped in the narrow waters.

Indeed, scientists are still puzzled what the animal food sources. According to Kim, if microbes could produce its own food from chemicals in the ocean, but complex animals like Amphipod it can not.

So, how do animals survive?

Wow, Scientists Discover Amazon Flows 40 Times

Some scientists find in the ocean currents that move quickly with a volume 40 times the Amazon River near the South Pole, which will help researchers monitor the impacts of climate change on the oceans of the world.

A team of Australian and Japanese scientists, in a study published in the journal Nature Geoscience on Sunday (4/25/2010), found, is an important part of current global ocean circulation patterns that help monitor the planet's climate.

Scientists previously have detected evidence of these currents but did not have data on it.

"We do not know if it is part of the circulation is important or not and this shows clearly that it is part of circulation," said a study author Steve Rintoul told Reuters correspondent David Fogarty on climate change.

Rintoul, from the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Center in Hobart, said it proved to be an ocean current in the most rapid ever found, with an average speed of 20 centimeters. These currents are also found to carry more than 12 million cubic meters of very cold salt water per second from the Antarctic.

"At a depth of three kilometers below the surface of this water, this is the speed of the strongest ever recorded and we've seen so far. It really surprised us," he said.

He said the current was carrying oxygen-rich water that submerged much of Antarctica into the ocean in a river valley further to the north in the vicinity of Kerguelen Plateau in the southern Indian Ocean and then branched out.

Belt global introduction

Flows that form part of the network of a much larger stretching all the oceans of the world, and act like a giant belt introduction to distribute heat throughout the world.

Ocean also is the main storage of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas that spread naturally and by human activities, mainly from burning fossil fuels.

For example, the Gulf Stream bringing warm water into the North Atlantic, northern Europe and provides a relatively moderate climate. The failure of these flows, which have occurred in the past, many parts of Europe would be plunged into a severe frost, the scientists said.

"The current in it along with the Kerguelen Plateau is part of a global system of ocean currents called the circulation of turn, which determines how much heat and carbon that can be smoked by the ocean," said Rintoul.

A significant portion of the circulation that is the formation of very many volume of salt water is very cold in some areas along the coast of Antarctica which then sank to the bottom and flows into another valley ocean.

The team held measuring devices are anchored to the seabed at a depth of up to 4.5 kilometers and noted the content of salt, temperature and flow speeds over the past two years.

"Measurement continually given by the fixation that allows us, for the first time, determine how much water is carried by the currents in the north," said Rintoul.

He said the issue is important to predict whether the climate is turning circulation will continue to hang on to power at this time or whether the flow is sensitive to changes such as climate change.

That means measuring a further increase of speed and volume of the cold salt water that is created around Antarctica.

Seabed Arctic, North Pole mapped

Scientists from the United States and Canada are now working together to develop the basic mapping of Arctic Sea in the Arctic. In addition to uncover basic knowledge about the sea, scientific efforts undertaken during the five weeks that support the interests of territorial or sovereignty of each country, which until now had not been agreed.

Desire is also based on research development events in 2007. When there is outbound from the Russian mini-submarine use and stick the Russian flag in the region.

New era of sea formed by melting ice in the Arctic is also an important concern. Thus, the vast marine territory of both countries could grow and thus require basic scientific knowledge of the results of research activities.

"Sea Border United States and Canada has become quite valuable decision," said marine geophysicist at the United States of Geological Survey, Jonathan Childs, recently. According to Childs, the importance of basic mapping Beafourt Sea was also because the region is rich in petroleum resources. However, Childs stressed, the question of borders is not a field of study by scientists.

"The problem is dependent on the diplomat. The research is not to solve all existing problems," said Childs.

Mapping it really pursued as a result of scientific collaboration among scientists. Cooperation that do not view the political interests of each country.

This is shown by the placement of Childs in the Ship owned by Louis St-Laurent Canada. And Childs is a scientist from the United States.

Canadian-owned ship was used for breaking ice in the Arctic Sea. Research will be carried out alternately with Healy ship, owned by the United States, the greatest.

Locations that want to target is at coordinates 84 degrees North latitude. According to Childs, the location was farther north than that taken on a similar trip two years ago.

The mission was undertaken in conjunction with the loss of summer sea ice in the Arctic, at least until September 2010. Known, ice cover in the Arctic Ocean on July 15, 2010 and by 16 percent lower than average data collected in 1979-2000.

"The ice in the Arctic Sea has become thinner so that more support for the course of research," said Childs.

A Giant Ice Island Threatening

An island of ice covering an area of ​​260 km2, five times the size of Central Jakarta, which is separated from the Petermann glacier, Greenland, across the Arctic Ocean, you can imagine, if the entire Greenland ice melted, could raise the water level by 6 meters. North Jakarta could be submerged if the sea level rise of 2-3 meters.

Ice island was "swimming" in the Arctic Ocean was soon to enter remote place called the Nares Strait, about 620 km south of the Arctic, which separates Greenland and Ellsemere Island, Canada. In the worst case scenario, a giant chunk of ice could have reached the waters where the ship traveled Greenland ice blocks similar in 1912 destroyed the Titanic.

"The island is very large ice making it impossible to stop it," said Hon Methie-Ove Hagen, glasiologis from the University of Oslo.

If the island of ice as thick as the Empire State Building in New York is entering the Nares Strait before the winter freeze (next month), cross-ship around Canada will be disturbed. And, if the giant chunks of ice flowing into the south due to current driven, and reached the east coast of Canada, the busy waters, sending oil from Newfoundland will be disrupted.

Island ice is very dangerous for the Grand Banks oil platforms off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. "From where could be the starting point of a major disaster," said Mark Drinkwater of the European Space Agency.

Thrust ice island was very strong, to sweep offshore oil platforms and ships in front of him. The resulting collision can cause severe damage. If the ice melts, the potential to raise global sea levels as high as 20 feet or 6 meters!

Ice island was first seen via satellite by an astrologer ice from Canada, Tudy Wohllenben, Thursday (08/05/2010). Discharge of fresh water when ice melts it could supply the water needs for all people in the United States for 120 days or four months.

Canadian Ice Service estimates, the rate of ice blocks take one or two years to reach the east coast of Canada. It might also be broken into small pieces due to hit an iceberg, and coral islands. Lumps it will also collapse or melt due to wind and waves. "But it blocks the breakdown products is quite large," said Trudy Wohllenben.

Reuters reports, the incident loss of ice from glaciers Petermann Island, North Pole, this is the greatest natural phenomena in the next 28 years. The last occurred in 1962 when the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf, Greendland, forming an island.

U.S. scientists say, it is difficult to claim that a giant ice shelf collapse due to global warming because the records of sea water around the glacier was stored since 2003. The flow of sea water beneath the glacier is a major cause loss of ice from Petermann Island, Greenland.

New Ice Island Studies Interesting

Chunks of ice separated from the glaciers of Greenland, near the North Pole, at the end of last week was the biggest in the history of the last 50 years.
"The ice blocks apart could not have united again with the glaciers of Greenland," said Hidayat Pawitan environmental physicist from the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Wednesday (08/11/2010) in Bogor.
According to Hidayat, if the ice shelf breakup is influenced by the global ocean circulation that warms, it should already be predicted up to a year or more earlier.
If the chunk of ice was due to the increase in atmospheric temperature, can go faster. "Each of them is a phenomenon that could be influential," said Hidayat.
As reported by Reuters and AFP, ice blocks that have an area 260 kilometers square. Height showed above the surface is estimated half of the Empire State Building in New York, United States, or about 150 meters.
Marine science and technology experts from the University of Delaware, United States, Andreas Muenchow, express, ice blocks were separated from Petermann glacier. This glacier is one of two of the largest in Greenland.
Muenchow estimates, the volume of fresh water in the ice blocks is the volume flow of the Hudson River in Delaware for two years. Volume was also equated with the needs of 120 days of the U.S. public will fresh water from the tap.
As a scientist, Muenchow can not directly confirm the cause chunks of ice due to global warming. Although it is known that the first six months of this year 2010 is the hottest period.
"The flow of sea water under the glacier is one of the main causes of the iceberg," said Muenchow.
Minus 80 degrees celsius Hidayat Pawitan express, chunks of ice that appears to the upper surface of the sea water is only 10 percent. The rest, 90 percent chunk of ice that exist under the surface of sea water so that it can reach a depth of about one kilometer.
"Centre ice blocks have a temperature range to minus 80 degrees celsius. Pelelehannya will still take an annual period," said Hidayat.
Regarding the influence of seawater circulation today, according to Hidayat, still comes from south to north. This resulted in no shift will occur iceberg.
In addition to time-consuming, shifting chunks of ice as deep as it could even be stopped because there is a possibility the bottom snagged on the seabed.
"In December 2010 the pattern of ocean circulation will change from north to south," he said. By changing the flow direction, ice blocks will move to the south with very low speed.
According to him, the phenomenon of separation of melting ice or ice blocks from the main glacier always occurred throughout history.
Exemplified, the state of Saudi Arabia even until harvest chunks of ice from glaciers in Antarctica to take water content bargaining.
"To my knowledge, Saudi Arabia has developed a withdrawal of glacier ice shelf of Antarctica since the 1980's to be transformed into bargaining water reserves," said Hidayat.
Hidayat said the ice blocks are located between Greenland and Canada. The temperature of sea water around the lump is still possible occurrence of freezing so that the mass of chunks of ice bigger.

Continue Ice Melting, Polar Bears Threatened

Layer of sea ice in the Arctic appear to have reached the lowest level during 2008 and the second lowest level recorded since the birth of the satellite era. Similarly, the observation the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center.

Despite being slightly above the record low minimum set on September 16, 2007, season this year strengthen the strong negative trend in sea ice cover during summer observed during the last 30 years, according to the report published on Wednesday local time or GMT.

Prior to last year, the previous record low for September is set in 2005. The data center will issue an analysis of the possible causes behind the condition of Arctic sea ice this year during the first week of October.

In March, when the Arctic sea ice reaches its maximum during the winter, several scientists from NASA and NASA reported supporting data center ice of the older and thicker continue to shrink. According to the processed satellite microwave data from NASA, that perennial ice used to cover 50-60 percent of the Arctic winter is now only covered less than 30 percent. Perennial sea ice is a long-lived layer of ice that persists even when the seasonal sea ice melts the short-lived until the minimum threshold for the summer.

NASA scientists have been observing the Arctic ice cover since 1979. NASA developed the capability to observe that layer and sea ice concentration from passive microwave sensors for air. Ice shrunk to its minimum limit on September 12, 2008, when ice covered the region seluasa 4.52 million square kilometers, and now seems to grow, while the North Pole began to enter the winter, said the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

One canal in the Northwest Passage, the long sea route between Europe and Asia desired, opened in 2007 and 2008. In this year also occurred the opening of the Northern Sea Route through the Arctic Ocean along the Siberian coast.

Ice Center last month stating there fundamental ice melt in the Chukchi Sea off the coast of Alaska, the Eastern Siberian Sea, off the coast of eastern Russia, one of the largest population of polar bear habitat in the world. Because polar bears use as a platform floating lumps of ice to hunt seals, they are forced to travel to swim longer distances when the ice melts, so it is likely they will be tired and in danger of drowning.

Polar ice is a factor in weather patterns and global climate. The difference between the cold polar air and warm air around the Equator to send air and warm currents, including concentrated flow. Sea ice to help keep cold air around the North Pole because its white color reflects sunlight. As sea ice disappears, the new open dark water absorbs more sunlight so that the accelerating warming.

Arctic Wolves same boat with the Polar Bear

Everything went from global warming. Earth's temperature rising, the ice at the poles, north and south, melting. Be, polar bears (Ursus maritimus) were categorized as endangered by the International  Union  for the Conservation  of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) since 2006 because their habitats shrink drastically. Today, polar bears in the wild in number around 20,000  individuals.

Well, now polar bears are not alone. According to the Telegraph notes, the major conservation agency in the U.S. include the name of arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) as endangered. Same with polar bears, the culprit is the disappearance of animal habitat is largely due to ice melt. Be, arctic wolf one gang, the same boat with polar bears.

Arctic sea ice fell to its lowest level since 2007. According to scientists, the Arctic, ten years from now, just a mere stretch of water, others do not.

Unfortunately, experts, particularly in the Center of Biological Diversity (CBD), the U.S. also said that the melting of ice in the region pose a threat of death for 17 animals whose habitat is in the Arctic. "In addition to polar bears, which are also threatened, among others, whales and sea lions," said report author above, Shaye Wolf.

Arctic Conditions Will Not Restored

The signs of  the ongoing  climate  change  that emerged in the Arctic is expected to  be permanent. The signs are, among others, are more atmospheric warming in the Arctic region, the ice extent shrinking, and melting glaciers.

Likewise, among others, the contents of reports from a number of scientists, the number of scientists from the U.S., Canada, Russia, Denmark, and several other countries said, "It is unlikely that the Arctic could return to its original state."

Conditions in the Arctic was significantly greater because the area is the dominant factor in weather conditions in the northern countries are densely populated. A very heavy snowfall in the U.S., northern Europe, and Western Asia in the past winter was one of the effects of changing conditions in the Arctic.

"The winter 2009-2010 shows the link between extreme cold conditions at middle latitudes and the rain snow and wind patterns change in the Arctic-called pattern-Continent Warm Arctic Cold (Warm Arctic-Cold Continents pattern),"he disclosed in the report that launched the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Found evidence that rising temperatures over the Arctic at a rate faster than the increase in global temperature, two times higher than the temperature rise in low latitude